Toilet Not Flushing? What to Do to Fix It

If your toilet will not flush, you should resolve the situation urgently. There are several potential reasons why your toilet may not be functioning properly, some of which are more serious than others. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to identify the problem, determine what is causing it, and potentially resolve it – although in many cases you will need professional help.

Here, the experts at Lanes Group will explain how you should approach the problem when your toilet isn’t flushing. The causes and solutions to these problems are very different, so we will cover them separately. First, we will explain what you should do if you have tried pressing the button or pulling the handle on your toilet and found that nothing happens.

Then, we will explain what you should do if you are unable to flush the toilet because the water will not drain away. In both of these situations, there are simple steps you can take to understand and resolve the problem. If you cannot fix the issue yourself, you will have the information you need to choose the right professional for the job, and ensure it can be resolved as quickly as possible.

“I tried to flush my toilet and nothing happened”

If your toilet does not flush when you press the button or pull the handle, there may be several reasons why. The water that flows into your toilet when you flush comes from the cistern, and it is usually a simple matter to remove the lid of the cistern and check the water level. If there is no water, this might mean there is an issue with the water supply to the cistern. Usually, this will need further investigation by an expert, but you can resolve the problem in the short term by topping up the water level manually.

If other water outlets in your home (like your taps) are still working, you can use this to refill your cistern. On the other hand, if there is a problem with the water supply to your home, you can purchase bottled water. Older toilets may use up to seven gallons of water per flush (although most modern toilets use much less) so you may need to purchase a large quantity if you are concerned about the problem. 

Water Supply Issues

Should you toilet flushing problem be the result of a water supply issue, a plumber or drainage professional will not be able to help with this situation, and you should call your local water company instead. They will probably already be aware of the problem and working to fix it, which means that they can give you an estimate of when your water supply will return. In this way, you can estimate how much water you may need to tide you over. 

Broken Flush Mechanism

If the problem is caused by a broken flush mechanism, refilling your cistern won’t help. You can resolve this by pouring water into the toilet bowl, to imitate how your flush mechanism is designed to work. You need to replicate the water pressure that your toilet flush creates as much as you can, so this technique will not work with bottles of water – instead, you should use a bucket or other high-capacity container to achieve the volume and speed you will need. Again, this is only a temporary solution – you may be able to fix the flush by investigating the parts within the system, but it is often best to contact a plumber and have them investigate.

Other causes of a toilet that won’t flush are more serious and difficult to resolve – in these cases, it is best to contact a professional, unless you are certain you have the skills and knowledge to fix the problem yourself.

“I can’t flush the toilet because the water will not drain away”

Sometimes, you may be unable to flush your toilet because it is already full of water that will not drain away – usually, this is the result of a blockage. Flushing may cause the toilet to overflow, and the water pressure created during a flush is rarely enough to clear a blockage, so this is never advisable. There are a few things you can try in these cases to understand and address the problem, which are often easier than trying to fix a broken flush mechanism or an issue with the water supply; nevertheless, it is often better to call a drainage professional. Some of these solutions are only temporary, while others can have unintended consequences that make the problem worse later down the line.

What Causes a Blocked Toilet?

Most blockages are formed from household products like wet wipes, sanitary products and condoms. These items should never be flushed away because they do not break down in the way that toilet paper does, and this can lead to serious problems. When disposed of in the drain, they can:

Depending on where the blockage is located, you may be able to use a plunger to clear it away. Plungers use suction to break up a blockage and allow water to flow through, but this can create negative knock-on effects. When you break apart a blockage made from plastic-based products, they will be washed into the drain, where they can reform into new blockages deeper inside your drainage system. This is often a much more difficult problem to address, and having a drainage professional remove the blockage for you can ensure it is disposed of appropriately, without the risk of the problem recurring.

While drain-unblocking fluids may seem like a reasonable option, they are not usually effective. Consumer products are largely unable to break down plastic, and pouring large quantities of these highly corrosive fluids into your drains can cause serious damage – especially if they do not fix the blockage and are stuck in your pipes, unable to drain away. If a plunger will not fix the problem, it is likely that the problem is too far inside the pipe.

CCTV Surveying and Professional Unlocking Services from Lanes Group

To investigate this problem, you may need to unscrew your toilet from the floor or remove pipes. This can be extremely difficult, especially when pipes are full of water that will not drain, and even if you are able to do this successfully you may still be unable to locate the blockage without specialist equipment. In these cases, the best approach is to contact a drainage engineer.

The team at Lanes Group has significant expertise in delivering domestic drain unblocking services. We can use CCTV technology to survey pipes and locate blockages, then remove them using one of a range of techniques, depending on which is most suitable in your circumstances. We will dispose of the materials professionally to avoid any problems resurfacing, and can also offer advice on the condition of your pipes and on best practices for maintenance to prevent future problems.

To learn more about our domestic services or for help in an emergency, call us 24/7 on 0800 526 488, or use the enquiry form on this page to request a call back.