
What are Microplastics’ Effects on Humans?


What are Microplastics’ Effects on Humans? Environmental scientists are only just beginning to understand the scale of microplastic pollution and the effects it could have on humans. Microplastics are everywhere: in our oceans and rivers, in animal habitats and even in our food and the air we breathe. However, the scale of the microplastics problem…

How to Not Eat Microplastics


Microplastics are one of the biggest environmental concerns of our time. Trillions of pieces of plastic smaller than 5mm in length can be found throughout our natural environment, including at the bottom of the ocean. Not only is this bad for the planet, but it could have a significant negative impact on human health, because…

How Many Microplastics Do We Consume?


How Many Microplastics Do We Consume? The rise of microplastics is one of the most concerning environmental challenges of recent times, and it seems to be getting worse. How much plastic we produce is growing faster each year than ever before, and the scale of these tiny plastic particles entering our environment, our oceans, and…

How Many Microplastics Are in the Ocean?


How Many Microplastics Are in the Ocean? The rise of microplastic particles in our oceans is one of the most important ecological challenges that we face. Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic debris that can emerge when larger pieces of plastic break down, or which are produced intentionally for specific industrial uses. These plastic particles…

What Does the UK Public Know About Microplastics? Complete Survey Results


Despite their tiny size, microplastics are posing huge problems for the global environment, as the amount of plastic waste in the world’s waters is increasing and endangering the health of our ecosystems. The importance of tackling this problem is the focus of Lanes’ MOOD (Microplastics Out of Our Drains) campaign, which calls for action to…

Lanes wins Lincolnshire homes drain maintenance contracts


North Lincolnshire’s biggest housing provider has awarded contracts to Lanes Group plc to provide drain maintenance services for thousands of homes across its whole estate. Ongo Homes has selected Lanes to deliver planned and reactive drainage maintenance services for nearly 10,000 homes in North Lincolnshire and surrounding areas, including Scunthorpe and Doncaster. Lanes has been…

20 years of service and still enjoying the drainage challenge


“I never want to leave a site thinking another team could come in here and do what I couldn’t.” Ray Hipkiss is determined that no stone will be left unturned, no manhole unlifted, to get the job done. It’s a determination not based on bravado, but on more than 20 years of service at Lanes…