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Hospital drainage system fighting fit thanks to Lanes for Drains


Lanes for Drains engineers showed their sensitive sides when they were called in to carry out extensive drainage rehabilitation work at a hospital in Kent. Their ability to work in highly sensitive environments and find innovate ways to ensure patient care was not disrupted was just as important as their technical skill. Estates managers at Maidstone and Tunbridge…

Toilet humour works for Lanes


Less than two years after opening our depot in Pontyclun, Cardiff, Lanes for Drains celebrated its success to date with a graphic display of human waste on the city’s buses. But this was no dirty protest. The images formed part of a major advertising campaign run by the UK’s largest independent drainage specialist, aimed at…

Lanes newcomer wins top industry award


Lanes Assistance Services (LAS), part of the Lanes Group plc, may be one of the newest names on the block, but it has netted a top award in the insurance industry ‘oscars’. Set up in July 2006, LAS has already established itself as a leading provider of network management for insurance companies in just two…